Maximize efficiency, minimize mistakes, streamline your workflow with CallNote

Designed for the ag parts department


CallNote maintains a list of notes for every parts person in your company. When a customer calls, the user will create a new note with as many parts as needed. The note can be updated and marked as Done when the customer is given price and availabilty. Notes are prioritized with In Progress notes at the top and Done notes on the bottom. Other user's notes can be accessed by selecting their tab along the side.


The wildcard search box filters all notes. The search-term can match anything in the note including name, part number, description, date, and any other field. Other user's names will become highlighted if their list contains any matches.


CallNote can integrate with select inventory management software. Matched parts in inventory will appear in a dropdown when a part number is added to a note. Select an item from the dropdown to auto-fill the rest of the part information.


Send will transfer the designated note to the selected user. The note will be removed from the sending user's list. Share will display the note in the selected user's list while also keeping it in the sharing user's list. A note can be shared with any number of users. Changes by any shared user will be reflected under all users.

Live Sync

CallNote will regularly check for sent notes, sharing changes, and note updates made by other users. Any updates will be displayed in near real time.


Over the years of working behind the parts counter at Hill-T Farm in Ohio, Cyrus Hilty saw a need for a computerized way to keep track of customer phone calls. Previously each parts person used a big note book to write everything down. This resulted in sometimes not being able to find record of speaking to a customer, or even worse, forgetting to follow up with their need. As a software hobbyist, Cyrus began work on CallNote in 2021 to fill the need. Hill-T Farm began using CallNote mid 2022 and has been using it all day every day since. Seeing the difference that CallNote made at Hill-T Farm, Cyrus decided to release the software to the public for other salvage yards to benefit from. CallNote is being actively maintained and improved. Full product support is provided with the subscription.

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